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Faceoff – Canadian Bankruptcy Trustees vs. Canadian Debt Counsellors

When you are struggling to make even the minimum monthly payments to bills, or worse, having to choose which bills to pay each month, it is probably time to consider professional financial help to get things back on track. But how can you best...

Back to School Blues? Consolidate Credit Cards and Stop the Interest

The back to school season, particularly for parents, is often a very hectic time of year, especially with regard to finances. The need/desire for new school clothes, shoes and supplies often leaves parents with racked up credit cards once all...

Ontario Bankruptcy Trustees – Who They Are and How They Advertise!

Debt consolidation, get out of debt, debt relief: it is hard to turn on the radio or television these days and not hear one or all of these phrases. Why? Because so many Canadians are facing financial challenges thanks to the ease with which...

Missed the Small Business Tax Deadline? Canadian Tax Penalties, Interest and Options!

Running a business is tough! Most small business owners are experts in their individual trades, but not necessarily experts in all aspects of business – or other businesses for that matter. For example, you may know how to unclog a...

Does a Consumer Proposal in Canada Stay on Your Credit for 7 Years?

Many people choose a consumer proposal in Canada to get finances back on track. These represent a great debt relief option because you can settle your debt, often reduce the total balance to be repaid, freeze interest and consolidate the...

You Can Stop a Wage Garnishment in Ontario – Here Are Your Options!

Wage garnishments impact thousands of people every day – and can come as a most unpleasant surprise for those individuals. Beyond the financial implications, a wage garnishment in Ontario can have serious consequences in other areas of...

Rebuilding Credit: Bad Credit Rating Doesn’t Always Just Disappear After a Few Years

It is a very common misconception that bad credit just “disappears” once debts are paid and your credit behaviour improves. However, past credit activity doesn’t just evaporate into thin air with a few months (even a few years) of good...

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