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Get Debt Help Without Leaving the House – Here’s How

In the past, before the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) people might have gone to see a financial consultant in person for debt help or otherwise, but with social distancing in effect, that is not advised right now unless absolutely essential...

Holiday Financial Planning… Steps to Start 2020 on a Strong Financial Footing

The holiday season is an expensive time for many! Between gifts, decorations, parties, and travel, the costs (and credit card charges) can quickly add up. To keep your budget and debt in check, holiday financial planning is a must. According...

Protecting Your Home Through Financial Restructuring

Having financial troubles can be stressful no matter where you are in life – but it’s doubly so if you own a house. There’s a common fear that financial restructuring will mean losing your home. Fortunately, there are ways to protect against...

Thinking of Filing for Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal in Canada? You’re Not Alone

Have you considered filing for bankruptcy or for a consumer proposal in Canada? If so, you’re far from the only one. Insolvency statistics show that bankruptcies and consumer proposals continue to be popular debt management options for...

Back to School Blues? Consolidate Credit Cards and Stop the Interest

The back to school season, particularly for parents, is often a very hectic time of year, especially with regard to finances. The need/desire for new school clothes, shoes and supplies often leaves parents with racked up credit cards once all...

Rebuilding Credit: Bad Credit Rating Doesn’t Always Just Disappear After a Few Years

It is a very common misconception that bad credit just “disappears” once debts are paid and your credit behaviour improves. However, past credit activity doesn’t just evaporate into thin air with a few months (even a few years) of good...

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