CRA Convictions – Yes, People Really are Prosecuted for Filing Taxes Late

Yes, it’s true — CRA convictions are a real thing and they happen to average people across the country. When it comes to filing taxes late, tax debt, and tax evasion, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has many measures at its disposal. This...

Posted | by |in Blog, Canada Revenue Agency, CRA, DebtCare, DebtCare Canada, Filing Taxes Late

Missed the Tax Deadline? Read Our Complete Guide to CRA Penalties and Interest

The 2018 personal tax filing deadline was April 30, 2018. Seeing as we’re now in August, if you missed it and you owe money, you’ve likely racked up Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) penalties and interest by now. Late-Filing Penalties and Interest...

Posted | by |in Blog, CRA, CRA Late Filing Penalty, Tax Deadline, Tax Penalties and Interest